Changing brand perceptions

Changing brand perceptions

A rallying cry for everyone to unite in the fight against climate change.

A rallying cry for everyone to unite in the fight against climate change.

Our campaign highlights the fact that we need to take action not by 2030. Not by next year. Today.

Our new campaign sees politicians, businesspeople and homeowners on melting icecaps, on flooded streets and in burning forests. Each of them nonchalantly sings the refrain from the Irma Thomas song “Time Is On My Side”, as their focus remains locked on other things. As the climate crisis–induced scenes escalate, we finally see one woman realise the urgency of the situation. The film resolves with the positive view of the future that E.ON is striving to bring about, through sustainable energy solutions for homes, business and cities – including solar panels, heat pumps and EV chargers.

Unlike many campaigns which simply greenwash, or use scare-mongering and shock-tactics to depict the crisis, we highlighted a behaviour that we’re all guilty of. And rather than preach or finger-point, we highlight the steps that we can all take to become part of the solution.

We took an innovative, sustainably-led approach to filming, considering our carbon impact through every aspect of the production process. We used a combination of solar powered studios, a recycled rather than refilled water tank, a responsibly sourced wardrobe, and kept shoot attendees and travel to a minimum. Every partner involved had a clear commitment to sustainability.

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